Take a walk on the Wild side . . .
September 21 - Flash Mob for Climate WAKE UP
From Avaaz:
Dear friends,
the results are in – more than 100,000 Avaaz members took part in the worldwide vote about whether we should go all out to organise a massive global wake-up call on climate change on September 21, and over 96% of us voted YES!
Now let’s get to work. More information about what will happen on the day is below, but the first step is to consider registering a climate wake-up call event to take place in your local area on the 21st. These will be quick, politically powerful, and a lot of fun. Our goal is to organise thousands of wake-up events (or "flashmobs") in public places all over the world -- showing a massive public demand for our lagging leaders to sign a fair and binding deal to stop climate catastrophe and unleash a new green economy this year.
The basic plan is so easy that anyone can register an event, and Avaaz technology will do the work of helping other people find one near them. We’ll send simple instructions about how to make these events successful: people will gather in groups at an agreed time on Sept 21st for a few minutes, and together make a phone call to their elected leader to press for climate action. Photos, videos and phone-calls from these events around the world will then be compiled into a powerful package and delivered to world leaders and the media at the UN climate summit the next day!
Click below now to register a climate wake-up event in your area, or keep reading to learn more:
The climate wake-up events are based on the idea of “flashmobs” -- fun, peaceful demonstrations in which participants assemble suddenly in a public place, blending in with the crowd, perform an unusual action simultaneously for a few minutes, and then quickly disperse. They will be mostly self-organising, so should be easy for everyone involved.
On the morning of September 21, everyone participating will set our alarms and gather together a few minutes before the assigned time, at locations chosen by the hosts in our local area. When our alarms go off, we'll hold up our mobile phones and find each other, and then, as a group, call our leaders to urge them to go to Copenhagen and sign a fair, ambitious, and binding climate treaty this year. We'll make as much noise as we can, while recording videos and photos for the UN presentation -- then head back to work, school, or home to upload the results!
Your role is straightforward: you just need to choose the location (a good public place near you) and register a Sept 21 event using our online tool, encourage friends to attend, and read through a short kit beforehand so you have all the information you’ll need. Get creative or keep it simple -- it's a fun way to contribute to the climate movement, and a great way to meet other Avaaz members.
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