Take a walk on the Wild side . . .
Bird watching in Port St Johns - Twitcher's paradise
Bird watching in Port St Johns - Twitcher's paradise
Outspan Inn Bird Identification Chart: 108 species had been recorded on or from Outspan Inn’s property. Included are birds positively identified in flight over the property, and species seen between us and the river Numbers in brackets are the South African Bird List Number of the species.
( ref: Roberts Birds of Southern Africa by G. L. Maclean.)
- C : everyday sightings
- U : common to uncommon, but need to be looked for
- R : one or two sightings on the property
- (62) Gray Heron - Ardea cinerea C
- (63) Black headed Heron - Ardea MelanieC
- (81) Hamerkop - Scopus umbretta C
- 94) Hadeda Ibis - Bostrychia hagedash C
- (126) Yellow billed Kite & Black Kite - Milvus migrans C
- (148) African Fish Eagle - Haliaeetus vocifer C
- (152) Jackal Buzzard - Buteo rufofuscus C
- (213) Black Crake - Amaurornis flavirostris U
- (218) Buff spotted - Fluff tail Sarothrura elegans U
- (245) Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula C
- (246) White fronted Plover - Charadrius marginatus C
- (248) Kittlitz’s Plover - Charadrius pecuarius U
- (249) Three banded Plover - Charadrius tricollaris C
- (264) Common Sandpiper - Tringa hypoleucos C
- (288) Bartailed Godwit - Limosa lapponica U
- (290) Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus C
- (297) Spotted Dikkop - Burhinus capensis U
- (298) Water Dikkop - Burhinus vermiculatus U
- (312) Kelp Gull - Larus dominicanus C
- (324) Swift Tern - Sterna bergii C
- (326) Sandwich Tern - Sterna sandvicensis C
- (327) Common Tern - Sterna hirundo C
- (328) Arctic Tern - Sterna paradisaea C
- (335) Little Tern - Srerna albifrons C
- (348) Feral Pigeon - Columba livia U
- (352) Redeyed Pigeon - Streptopelia semitorquata C
- (354) Cape Turtle Dove - Streptopelia capicola U
- (355) Laughing Dove - Streptopelia senegalensis C
- (360) Cinnamon Dove - Aplopelia larvata R
- (361) Green Pigeon - Treron calva C
- (370) Knysna Lourie - Tauraco corythaix C
- (377) Redchested Cuckoo - Cuculus solitarius C
- (378) Black Cuckoo - Cuculus clamosus C
- (384) Emerald Cuckoo - Chrysococcyx cupreus U
- (385) Klaas’s Cuckoo - Chrysococcyx klaas U
- (386) Diederic Cuckoo - Chrycococcyx caprius U
- (391) Burchell’s Coucal - Centropus supercillosus C
- (401) Spotted Eagle Owl - Bubo africanus C
- (405) Fierynecked Nightjar - Caprimulgus pectoralis U
- (416) Horus Swift - Apus horus C
- (421) Palm Swift - Cypsiurus parvus C
- (424) Speckled Mousebird - Colius striatus C
- (427) Narina Trogon - Apoloderma narina U
- (428) Pied Kingfisher - Ceryle rudis C
- (430) Halfcollared Kingfisher - Alcedo semitorquata U
- (431) Malachite Kingfisher - Alcedo cristata C
- (435) Brownhooded Kingfisher - Halcyon albiventris C
- (452) Redbilled Woodhoopoe - Phoeniculus purpureus C
- (455) Trumpeter Hornbill - Bycanistes bucinator C
- (460) Crowned Hornbill - Tockus alboterminatus C
- (464) Blackcollared Barbet - Lybius torquatus C
- (469) Redfronted Tinker Barbet - Pogoniulus pusillus U
- (476) Lesser Honeyguide - Indicator minor U
- (484) Knysna Woodpecker - Campethera notata U
- (486) Cardinal Woodpecker - Dendropicus fuscescens U
- (488) Olive Woodpecker - Mesopicus griseocephalus C
- (518) European Swallow - Hirundo rustica C
- (526) Greater Striped Swallow - Hirundo cucullata U
- (527) Lessor Striped Swallow - Hirundo abyssinica C
- (538) Black Cuckooshrike - Campephaga flava U
- (541) Forktailed Drongo - Dicrurus adsimilis C
- (543) European Golden Oriole - Oriolus oriolus R
- (545) Blackheaded Oriole - Oriolus larvatus C
- (550) Whitenecked Raven - Corvus albicollis C
- (568) Blackeyed Bulbul - Pyconotus barbatus C
- (572) Sombre Bulbul - Andropadus importunus C
- (576) Kurrichane Thrush - Turdus libonyana C
- (577) Olive Thrush - Turdus olivaceus C
- (598) Chorister Robin - Cossypha dichroa C
- (600) Natal Robin - Cossypha natalensis C
- (601) Cape Robin - Cossypha caffra C
- (657) Bleating Warbler - Camaroptera fasciolata C
- (681) Neddicky - Cisticola fulvicapilla C
- (683) Tawnyflanked Prinia - Prinia subflava C
- (686) Spotted Prinia - Prinia maculosa U
- (689) Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata U
- (690) Dusky Flycatcher - Muscicapa adusta C
- (710) Paradise Flycatcher - Terpsiphone viridis C
- (711) African Pied Wagtail - Motacilla aguimp C
- (713) Cape Wagtail - Motacilla capensis C
- (736) Southern Boubou - Laniarius ferrugineus C
- (740) Puffback - Dryoscopus cubla C
- (751) Greyheaded Bush Shrike - Malaconotus blanchoti C
- (757) European Starling - Sturnus vulgaris U
- (758) Indian Myna - Acridotheres tristis U
- (764) Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis nitens C
- (768) Blackbellied Starling - Lamprotornis corruscus C
- (769) Redwinged Starling - Onychognathus morio C
- (774) Gurney’s Sunbird - Promerops gurneyi U
- (785) Greater Doublecollared Sunbird - Nectarinia afra U
- (789) Grey Sunbird - Nectarinia veroxii C
- (790) Olive Sunbird - Nectarinia olivacea C
- (792) Black Sunbird - Nectarinia amethystina C
- (793) Collared Sunbird - Anthreptes collaris C
- (796) Cape White-eye - Zosterops pallidus C
- (804) Greyheaded Sparrow - Passer griseus C
- (808) Forest Weaver - Ploceus bicolor C
- (810) Spectacled Weaver - Ploceus ocularis U
- (811) Spottedbacked Weaver - Ploceus cucullatus C
- (813) Cape Weaver - Ploceus capensis U
- (817) Yellow Weaver - Ploceus subaureus C
- (818) Brownthroated Weaver - Ploceus xanthopterus R
- (857) Bronze Mannikin - Spermestes cucullatus C
- (858) Redbacked Mannikin - Spermestes bicolor C
- (860) Pintailed Whydah - Vidua macroura C
- (869) Yelloweyed Canary - Serinus mozambicus C
- (877) Bully Canary - Serinus sulphuratus U
Total views: 142 |