Beginning of a Montessori Preschool

Hi all
I trust that 2016 is treating you well smile emoticon The new year has started with a bang! Herewith pictures of the rondawel we have been given to start Hole in the Wall Montessori. We are hoping to open on 5 April 2016, and we need a lot of help to get there!! Shopping and man/woman power! We have a big list ......and not much money.

We’re starting small again. Going back to our roots and all. Just a single rondawel to start, but as you can see, it needs a lot of work. New roof thatch, plaster, windows and doors, and more. And then we need a small kitchen and toilet. We’re very blessed that there is a municipal community tap just 10 metres away. We would also like to paint the rondawel in cheerful colours, and will require tables, chairs, shelves and learning materials.

This rondawel was given to us by a local family and they have asked me to please do what I did in Coffee Bay, meaning the first Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori. I am going to try my best!

Where we go from here depends on the support we receive. You can help us by donating your skills, things for our environment or money.

If you are interested in helping to start a Montessori pre-school in the rural Eastern Cape, at the beautiful Hole in the Wall, please contact me for further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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