Marine Protected Areas

The following Nature Reserves are Marine Protected Areas, and have a strictly "no fishing allowed" policy.

Dwesa-Cwebe Marine Protected Area

No fishing is allowed between the western bank of the mouth of the Suku River (in the District of Elliotdale) and Human’s Rock (in the district of Willowvale), including the tidal portion of the Mbashe River, extending six nautical miles seawards of the high-water mark.

Hluleka Marine Protected Area

No fishing is allowed adjacent to the Hluleka Nature Reserve (in the Ngqeleni District), extending six nautical miles seawards from the high-water mark.

Mkambati Marine Protected Area

No fishing is allowed between the eastern bank of the mouth of the Mtentu River and the western bank

of the mouth of the Msikaba River, including the tidal portions of these two rivers.


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