Take a walk on the Wild side . . .
Xolobeni Mineral Sands Project
This is an appeal to everyone who cares about the future of the Wild Coast to please send a mail to xolobenigcs-sa [dot] biz and register as an I&AP. Download the EIA and IAP registration form Who are the Interested & Affected Parties? (I&APs) They are persons who will be directly and indirectly involved and/or affected by the project. An IAP's role is to:
- § Register with the environmental consultants, who will include you on a database of I&APs in order for you to receive future project information and/or formally record issues and concerns
- § Attend public events to obtain further information, interact on a one-to-one basis with the project team, and/or raise issues and concerns; and
- § Contact the consultants to obtain further information and/or raise issues and concerns.
(For more information please visit www.swc.org.za)
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