Take a walk on the Wild side . . .
Umgazana Cottage
Just two weeks ago, Karen and I went to stay with the most hospitable people in Umgazana, Warren and Margy. It was surprisingly easy to get there without using 4x4 and only 350kms from Warner Beach. Unfortunately the sea was tempestuous so no deep-sea fishing was attempted, but we were spoilt with three cooked meals a day including fresh oyster starters! Coffee, hot showers and warm beds kept us toasty and in good spirits on those icy cold evenings and mornings. We read, played suduko, walked and hiked for miles and did yoga on the beach, much to the fascination of the local onlookers. We explored rock pools and caves, found cowries and octopuses and watched hundreds upon hundreds of dolphins frolick in the surf every morning and afternoon. Relaxed is an understatement. This sort of medication is highly recommended for overly stressed individuals who really need to switch their cellphones off and get away from the big city! The people are so kind and friendly down there. You actually just want to stay there forever. We recycled. We drank rain water off the roof. We saved food for the pig. We baked muffins. We went to bed early and woke up to the cock crowing. Lucky the sun rises later in winter or someone might have killed the poor bird. We lived it and we loved it! For more info email me on anchorbellbookings
gmail [dot] com.
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Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 05/12/2013 - 16:55
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