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What is SeaPledge ?

Make your SEA Pledge today and become part of the SEA Pledge movement.


A SEA Pledge is a commitment everyone can make through a written and or monetary pledge to treat the seas, estuaries, coasts and oceans in an environmentally friendly manner. SEA Pledge is more than just a pledge; it is about achieving sustainability, creating opportunities, impacting lives and changing people’s life choices through Sustainable Education and Skills Centres, which will provide education and skills training to help marginalized people who depend upon the seas and other natural resources to find alternative forms of livelihoods and alleviate poverty, while promoting sustainable practices. SEA Pledge and SEAS Centres will be officially launched during COP 17 in a spectacular, fun event that aims to set world records among surfers, divers, swimmers, anglers, yachters, shipping-lines and many others. Visit: or Email seaccsfatgmail [dot] com for more information on how YOU can get involved! "


Thanks Sarah, I've bumped it to the front page. Just one question: What's COP 17?

COP 17: The United Nations framework convention for climate change, is holding an environmental conference in Durban later on this year. Last year Mexico had COP 16, where billions of dollars were used to develop, restore, and maintain forests. This year it is focused on seas and coastal areas.

To clarify COP 17 is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties 17th Conference. It is focused mostly on issues of climate change, but of course takes into consideration other environmental and social issues that relate to climate change. This year was declared the United Nation Year of the Forests, which directed a lot funding towards research and conservation of forests. Part of the aim of the SEA Pledge initiative is to make 2012 the Year of Oceans. PS Thanks for posting this Sarah.

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