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Fishing permit fees increase from 1 October 2010

UPDATE on the proposed exorbitant fee increases. Not so bad after all:

The currently gazetted prices, with effect from 1 October 2010, for fishery permits are as follows:

  • i. Scuba diving in MPA's - R85 / R42 for a four (4) week temporary permit
  • ii. West Coast rock lobster - R87
  • iii. East Coast rock lobster - R87
  • iv. Mollusks including octopus, squid, worms, other invertebrates and aquatic plants - R87 / R50 "
  • v. Mud crab - R87 / R50 "
  • vi. Marine aquarium fish - R87 / R50 "
  • vii. Angling - R69 / R45 "
  • viii. Spearfishing - R87 / R50 "
  • ix. Use of cast or throw net - R87 / R50 "
  • x. Additional fee per vessel (only payable by the skipper) for recreational fishing from such a vessel where applicable - R87 / R50 "

    From page 11, Government Gazette 795 , 10 September 2010

  • Comments

    I have a tackle shop in Port Elizabeth and every single person says the increases are crazy.most of my very law abiding citesing say they will sell there fish to cover costs. the sea is for all of us to use ,only people abusing the sea should be punished.they will creata a very negative fishermen if they go through with these crazy increases.lastly what about the poor.

    it is illegal to sell, barter or donate the crayfish you catch, so your "very law abiding 'citesing's'" will be breaking the law if the do sell it to cover their costs. c'mon ppl. its R 89 to catch 4 kreef almost every day for four months! that works out to about R2 a kreef. what are you complaining about? my personal opinion - catching more than 4 kreef a day IS abusing the sea. if everyone in south africa bought a license, and every one of them went to the sea in the allocated time period, there would be no more crayfish left to catch. do you want the licenses to be given out for free? get real. pay your dues for the luxury.

    How ridiculous! We have been diving for more than thirty years. We however live in the Free State and do not get to the sea regularly. Now we are expected to pay R500 for crayfish, plus an additional R300 for molluscs, plus an additional R200 for angling. You can't do all these activities in one day so it's really a waste of money. The government are encouraging the law abiders to become the villains - I would rather become a poacher than pay these phenomenal prices. We must now pay so that the actual poachers - who continue to get away with devastating the sea life - can continue to rape the coast. Wake up man!!! If there can't be sufficient Parksboard people to control the poachers, how the heck do they plan to control the locals (including us yokels from the Free State)?

    Where do you come on R 500 for crayfish? A license which permits you to catch 4 kreef a day is stated at R 87 each.

    My apologies for the confusion. I should have left the previous info on this post. Instead I just updated the prices. Will correct that when I'm back at my desk. FYI: The department had originally proposed ludicrous increases, such as R500 for a recreational crayfish permit; but thanks to the vehement opposition to the proposed tariffs, they only increased by about 25% in most cases. (Only! ;)

    Howsit how much does the license cost if you want to sell east coast rocklobster

    The permit to sell East Coast Rock Lobster is same as you paid for your permit to catch them. lol

    What a sham! another way to fleece the "White Man" Do you need a permit to play soccer - NO. do you have a limit to the quantity of soccer balls you may have in your possession - NO ! O.K. Now you say, "He's being ridiculous!" Do you have any idea what goes into the making of a soccer ball??? Any idea of the pollution caused by old non-biodegradable soccer balls? Anyway, just a bit of ranting from my side there. Let's start again. As a South African Citizen I am disgusted at the way the "Authorities" dictate how much they are going to charge us for the few pleasures life has left. We are prepared to make the effort to go out there, brave the elements, no mean feat as you all will know, and harvest some of natures bounty "IN A SUSTAINABLE MANNER!" and all the Fat Cats can do is discuss how they are going to charge us for this hard earned pleasure. We catch to eat! Not to sell!!!!! Go to any of the spots, and I challenge the highest authorities on this matter, (you know where to find me), where you can no longer go due to the 4x4 ban, and show me ANY improvement in stocks. Give me written reports that there has been improvement and I will say "BULLSHIT" I and many like me have BEEN there, We have SEEN with OUR OWN EYES the devastation of ALL rock species due to MASSIVE over harvesting by the "locals". This is not purely for them to eat but IS USED FOR SALE! If you disagree, take me to a place where there are MORE mussels, MORE crayfish, MORE oysters. Can you? I think not. Even the limpets are gone!!! Just like Valli Moosa, (where is he, by the way?)you proclaim that these tariff hikes are in the interest of conservation, BULLSHIT! This is just another scheme to fill the pockets of the fat cats while you have a few idiotic white "lackeys" running around, trying to keep their jobs by vocally justifying these atrocious acts of fraud. SHOW US THE BUDGET - WHERE DO THESE FUND GO.

    Shame, you guys have now succesfully turned me into a poacher, I refuse pay R200 for a permit when I almost never catch a fish so take the price increase and shovit, Why dont you guys quadruble the comercials guys permits, after all it is because of them that there is almost no fish!!!

    The new price is ridiculous,we are recreational dives who abide by the law.We dont sell ,only catch to eat. Now the government will loose out as many people will start to get what they enjoy to eat illegally

    Those were the proposed tariffs, and I was pondering about it and downloaded the actual gazetted prices just last night. Shortly before your comment. But between one thing (bottle) and another, I didn't get around to uploading it then. Was planning to do so today. (And will do so forthwith!) The actual price is now set at between R69 and R87 per permit (Fishing, crayfish, spearfishing, molluscs, etc.) Sorry for the confusion!

    We are talking fish and fish and fish licenses OK. Lets change the subject a while to poaching, the law enforcement person will arrest you and confiscate your firearm, vehicle and the animal lock you up and the owner will together with the state charge you of poaching and theft. The other side of the coin is when you drive your vehicle and an animal / buck run into the front of your vehicle the action changes. Now finding the owner to repair your vehicle is endless “proof the buck / animal is his. Can the state proof ownership of the fish in the sea and that it is lawfully theirs? It is true that we need to control and preserve our natural sources but I think the price structure for me that just want to take my two sons once a while out for normal family fishing and to enjoy the outdoors is ubsurt.

    Can anyone tell me if the prices have gone up again, or is the Post Office making a cut on these fishing licences? I was told just under R100-00 for crayfish and angling??????

    Am I allowed to catch fish and inverts for the purpose of putting it in a fish tank,and if yes,what is the price of these permits and where can I buy one

    See items iv. and vi. above. The licenses are available from the Post Office.

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