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Coffee Bay - Hole in the wall SDF

There was a meeting about the Coffee Bay / Hole in the Wall Spatial Development Framework yesterday in Coffee Bay. It's scary stuff. Please people, be ready to contribute thought and energy into how development should (and shouldn't) happen.

"The Wild Coast SDF (Spatial Development Framework):
* Coffee Bay is currently a 'first order node' it is seen to be a future town
* Hole in the Wall is identified as a second order node
* Maphuzi is proposed as a 'nature tourism area'

Project initiation: May 2007
'Analysis': July 2007 [my parenthesis]
SDF: August to November 2007
Land Use Management: September 2007
Nodal Plan: December 2007 !!!!!

You can tell that after 14 years of moratorium - and at least 25 years of instability - that they've really thought this through well and aren't going to rush into anything. :p


i would like to know on the proposed developments in coffe bay and who the developers are and the phases of their develoments.

Tourism development on the Wild Coast is not scary. It is a fairly well thought out plan to keep the Wild Coast wild but with significant economic benefits for the local communities while keeping the area pristine with the exception of the development nodes. The real threat is mining and the destructive force that it is and will become. There is a great deal of money to be reaped from the Wild Coast in sand mining and then the Wild Coast will be no more. You should fight for responsible tourism and eco-tourism as it will only stop the destruction of the Wild Coast. The communities there are going to turn one of two ways, mining or tourism. It is your choice, which will it be?

my sentiments as well steve the responsible approach would be tourism.I actually would like to be acquainted to developers or potential developers who are pro-developing either a hotel,resort and golf course.We have seen areas of success in this along the garden route and all these destinations have maintained their culturaldiversity as well as their environment.well thought of development strategies should not only benefit the developers but the communities and their families for years to come.

Eco-tourism, of course. My main concern at the time of writing was clearly the proposed time-frames. It's now a year later, and I've been to 2 subsequent SDF meetings, and as one would expect, it really is a slow process and cannot be analyzed in a month or actioned 6 months later. I'm not certain when we will see a concrete "Nodal Plan" - but it doesn't seem likely to be this year either. Security of tenure is the biggest obstacle, and has to be addressed in terms of the Communal Land Reform Act (CLaRA). This is a complex issue, due to the historical context of the Transkei, but ideally, if it were really my choice, what I would like to see is a full and inclusive survey of the area; followed by transformation of the existing undisputed PTOs to full Freehold... equally for cottage owners, resorts, and local residents under tribal or customary law. While I like the Bulungula community-private partnership which Dave Martin structured, it's not a 1-size fits all solution, and if it were considered a prototype model, it sets the ante too high for other potential investors along the Wild Coast. As I understand, their 60% stake reverts fully to the community after the expiration of their 30-year lease. What is needed is a way to fairly compensate the individuals whose lands are to be transferred to develpers as well as benefit the greater community/trust/tribe. Of course that isn't always the case and, unlike Hole in the Wall, there are areas which can be developed without encountering or opposing individual rights.

steve could you shed more light into the future proposals for coffee bay development.I believe the local community is pro developments in that area.Are you a developer interested in this process?

I work with Africa Conservancy who is trying to facilitate Public Private Partnerships for Eco Tourism development along the Wild Coast. You are correct in saying that Land Tenure is the big sticking point. There are old PTO's and agricultural PTO's that are still in existance in and around those nodal areas. These will eventually all lead to land claims against any developments. Personally, I believe in community Public Private Partnerships. The question is with whom do you partner? Is it the entire tribal community, the local tribal community, the putative land owner or the nominal land owner? Who are the putative and nominal land owners? The supreme court has ruled on this issue but it has not set a clear precident in the issue and even Department of Land Affairs has concerns over the rulings. I feel that a 30yr renewable lease on land is a good start but it begs the question, what quality of development will the community recieve for a 30yr term? What is a good and fair rate of return to the community and to the investing party? Will the investor realistically continue to maintain the property as his/her term is going to expire? What about skills transfer if it is to be turned over to the community? Accountability? There are so many issues that need to be worked through. In a backpacker or guest house scenerio it is less complicated. If we are discussing the planning of nodal areas though, we must consider proper sewage treatment, potable water supply, solid waste issues, traffic flow, emergency medical services, and access by air. Eco-Tourism is a great way to preserve the assets of the communities and, if properly structured, will bring about a sustainable tourism industry. The process takes time and it will eventually get sorted out but all parties must be patient. DLA is actively working through these issues but they have many communities to work with and traditional govt. issues to deal with. Also, the current world financial climate is not ideal for development of the area. We have been actively promoting eco-tourism development in a bid to keep the Wild Coast "Wild". Our major concerns are ribbon development along the 1km DEDEA buffer zone and mining. It is already happening and it is going to be a challenge that must be dealt with properly. Secondly, Port St. John's has not been a good example of title deed transfer and development must be properly monitored and planned by municipal govt. Govt. is aware of these issues and I give credit to DEDEA for assisting DLA in keeping illegal development at bay. There are many issues that are being worked through by many parties and the process is moving forward. It is slow but better slow than disaster.

great analysis Steve.this is always an issue when it comes to developments involving the local communities.The value they have on their land versus the returns on the land when used for development.This always cuts it fine as one would have to sort out the land claims issue.I belive in coffee bay there is a trust/two that owns a portion of land that has been identified for development purposes.This land will obviuosly have to be consolidated and land tenure issues be sorted out before the initial phase starts.This is where most uncertainities and other issues should be ironed out and never to surface again when the development takes shape. Would also like to get some info from other resorts and how they have overcome these issues.

Yes, we were potential developers it the area but we have turned much of our investment to other tourism areas in the country due to instability and hostility toward eco-tourism or development of any kind on the "Wild Coast". We did attend the OR Tambo investment conference and development is most likely going to proceed. I'm not certain of the future of the "Wild Coast" but the local communities and the government are now looking at all types of development. Also, I don't believe that there are any new tourism initiatives in the area or developers now seeking to work in the Coffee Bay area. The campsite was awarded but the developer has not surfaced or taken action toward the revitalization efforts there. The development proposals at Maphuzi river and Hlunglwana were denied, and Hole in the Wall development initiative has been stopped by a land claim and land tenure issues. Due to the uncertainty in global financial markets, tourism may take a back seat to mineral extraction and agri-related business and that should be expected to occur in the near future. As citizens face the re-trenching of so many workers in South Africa, everybody is looking to Government to act and Government will act to feed and employ people by whatever means necessary. We cannot blame Government or the communities along the Wild Coast for wanting development. They desire to have jobs and build a sustainable future for themselves and future generations. They look at the Durban Coast, Knysna, Plett, J-Bay and ask, why not here? Why can't we have those benefits? Are they wrong to ask that question? One of the Mayor's at the conference providec very pointed statement. He said, "When you look into the face of a starving person, remember that face as it is the reason that we need development." We will continue with several developments in the area but only ones that are led and approved by Government prior to our being asked to participate. I believe in the inititatives of DEAET and DLA. I believe that the Government is doing an amazing job at trying to manage sustainable development in the area. I also believe that they need a good PR manager to educate the public on the processes involved. Rural tourism development is a risky proposition for most investors due to the uncertainty of land tenure and infrastructure. That is not the case for other types of industry that don't have those requirements. In the future, it is my opinion that tourism should be promoted as the preferred form of development for that area but sadly, the public doesn't support the idea and in many cases has stopped tourism development and chased away investment from the domestic market, the EU and the Americas.

This is quite a sad turn of events.I fully agree with your analogy of developments being succesful in other coastal regions and these have had a significant economic spin off for local communities.Unfortunately in some cases tribalism still prevails even if it is to the detriment of the communitties.i also blame some key local people as they do not do the due deligence of facilitation as they should for development.We could analyse as much as we can on thses issues but the through reflection of what we would like to do should be on perseverence and due delligence. Could you e mail me on themba@auspexproperty ccphumelelaprojects/ i would like us to engage further on tackling possible opportunites.My contact number is 0736238287 .could you also send me your direct details so we can talk.

I have be to Coffee Bay three times in the last 11 years. 11 years ago me and my husband where called tothe beach where a gentleman had an open fracture of his fibula and tibula. There was not ambulance available and no assitants for this younge man. Having medical experiance me and my husband had only basic first aid stock with us. His friends got straight branches and we stablized his leg. The closest clinic it 20 km away, where there also was very little help but they manage to get an ambulance for him. 3 years later we came back to meet up with the same gentlman . To my hoarrer his leg had poorly mended but at least he could walk with a stick. This year we went back to coffee bay . we had an awesome time and the gentlman was with us the whole week. We would love to assist the community in running a primary health clinic in the area and educating the community in taking care of there sick, elderly and children. ONE AWESOME DREAM FOR MY FELLOW SOUTH AFRICAN PEOPLE L

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