Petition against the destruction of the Pondoland Center of Endemism

Please sign the petition online here:

Development, for the people of Pondoland, does not depend solely on the N2 toll road passing through the greenfields of this fragile biosphere.

However the continued existence of the PCE does, without a doubt, depend on it not doing so.

Please sign this petition and forward it to everyone you can.

Read more here:

Thank you.


We think the development is hugely irresponsible, albeit the normal modis operandi of the present Government. In order to promote your cause, we have linked your website here –

I signed the petition and will ask friends to do the same. I noticed the number of signatures is still way below 1,000. I read about the economic potential this tollroad has, including the possibillity of stripmining. When I read that, I think this needs much, much more exposure to satynd a chance of postposning, let alone stop, this development in a country which is typefied by widespread poverty. I would recommend contacting the people at AVAAZ to see if they are willing to take on and support this petition, too: they are highly succesfull in mobilisng public opinion. Als it would be an idea if you can make use of the large number of Europeans coming to watch the international footballgames this summer, to create more awareness around this tollroad issue. I do not think that would be easy to do, but a huge public outcry is needed if you want put some weight into the scales.

What is the latest please? Where can I obtain information about the centre and where exactly is it? Is it possible to bring school children to visit? Thank you Marian

<p>Apart&nbsp; from destabilizing the ecosystems and biodiversity.&nbsp; The&nbsp; mining industry will cause soil erosion, the formation of sinkholes, and the contamination of soil and groundwater,&nbsp; by chemicals from mining processes.</p> <p>I therefore sign this petition.</p>

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